H E L L O there!

Hi ( backspace ) Hello Guys ( Backspace ) Hola ( urgh hitting backspace again )

This is A W K W A R D

My fingers and brain had becoming so stiff after years leaving the literature sphere. Well writing the thesis for my Final-Year-failProject and copying my Genius friend's Lab report doesn't count 😁👹.I have more than a hundred post before but let keep this fresh and new.

Let me walk through my memory, shall we?

*fake cough*
Me growing up as an Editor first ever daughter, ( still am 😉 )  thrive me to write and express my feeling through writing. Daddy never write or told me too, but he often brings back books that he writes ( Majalah Dewan Bahasa for kids, can't remember the name). I am not good in expressing my feeling verbally but I can pour my heart content in a notepad. When Mummy was mad I will create a small card saying I'm Sorry with words that a normal 9-years-old would write. I don't do it verbally ( partly because I'm scared 😋).  During any presentation in school ( up till I'm 15 ), I would choose to be the one who hold the Mahjong-paper and I became Invisible. Waa-lahh, no one sees me anymore.

Don't act like you never be the one that volunteer to hold that Magic paper 😏

Growing up in a society that need you to chin-up and talk evolve me into what I am now. Part of me before is less confident and I always think I am ugly. Who am I kidding??! Technically I still am,lol ( judging how 15 year old these days look like, smh ), but what change is,now I think I am pretty enough to walk the earth. Dont't I ? I don't claim to be very confident but that small-timid-girl is no more.

hah! No more Magic-paper, I want the Mic, please?


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